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My name is Laura


I've been uprooted too. At times I was thrilled about transplanting and at times I dug in my roots yet was yanked out anyway. At times I felt discarded, like a weed left to wilt in the sun. Every uprooting - voluntary and involuntary - impacted who I am today. And yet, so did the rich soils I was replanted into. 

Education and Training


I am a Licensed Professional Counselor; I hold a bachelor's degree in psychology from Regent University and a master's degree in counseling from Sam Houston State University.


I have worked with adults, adolescents and children from diverse backgrounds including various nationalities, Third Culture Kids (TCK's), expats, immigrants, refugees, foster youth, and parents.

I am a trauma-informed counselor trained in Grief Counseling, Crisis Intervention, Havening®, Trust Based Relational Intervention (TBRI®) and Child Parent Relationship Therapy (CPRT®).

Background and Experience

I am originally from the United States. At age 9, I moved to Azerbaijan with my family, where I lived and later worked as an adult. I have also lived in Turkey, Afghanistan, Dubai and India. 

In 2015 I moved to the United States as a result of unrest in the country I was living in. I began graduate school and started a small business tutoring internationals, where I heard many of my students' stories of grief, loneliness, and longing as a result of being uprooted from their countries. Despite the differences in our stories, I found that I could relate.

As I transitioned into counseling in 2018, I worked with foster children and families from diverse backgrounds, focusing on overcoming trauma and strengthening relationships. My own life experiences then led me into working with internationals and all who feel "uprooted". 

The "Why" 

Throughout my life, I have found myself listening to people's stories. Personally and professionally, I've seen the power of telling one's story; of being completely real; of asking the hard questions. 

I promote counseling not because I am a counselor; I am a counselor because caring counselors helped me come alive again. This is my hope for people all over the world who find themselves - for whatever reason - uprooted. 

Laura Lanford, international counselor and psychotherapist

Laura Lanford, M.A. LPC

Can you relate? Please reach out.
I'd love to hear your story.

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